Nudism Mini-Course

Welcome to the Midwest Nudists mini course on nudism!

We are excited that you have taken an interest in learning more about what nudism is and how it is enjoyed! We will cover many different topics pertaining to nudism in this course using short, concise, and easy to understand language. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve or add on to this content, we would love to hear from you.

Our course is designed as a Wiki. Each course section is a Wiki Page. Members can add their own additional insight pertaining to the section by adding a Wiki Post. Insights that are very thoughtful and constructive might later be incorporated into the main page itself by staff.

Please do not use Wiki Posts for general discussion / comments; posts are designed for members to contribute additional content to the Wiki Page / course section. We have provided forum sections on some of the Wiki Pages where members can go to have discussions with others. And if you have any suggestions regarding the content, you can either make a Wiki Post to add/suggest new content, or create a Support Ticket to let us know of a change that should be made.


The course is separated into a 4-digit numerical convention for organization and easy browsing. The convention is as follows:

First Digit (x000)

  • 1xxx - This section is mainly for those new or unfamiliar to nudism. We will cover what nudism is and is not, and we will provide some guidance on how to begin enjoying nudism in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

  • 2xxx - This section is for those who want to begin expanding their nudist lifestyle out into communities, such as groups, clubs, events, and resorts. This section also covers nudist etiquette, which is a very important topic to learn before going public with your nudist lifestyle.

  • 3xxx - This section will go over many different tips and encounters when the nudist lifestyle starts becoming a bigger part of your everyday or family life, including tips if other people in your life find out you are a nudist.

  • 4xxx - This section is for experienced nudists interested in taking on a leadership role, such as organizing events or clubs, or starting / working at resorts.

  • 5xxx - This section covers various topics for veteran / long-time nudists, such as nudism and health (especially for elder nudists).

Other Digits

  • Second Digit (0x00) - These separate content out by major topic
  • Third digit (00x0) - These separate content out by sub-topics according to the main topic (defined by the second digit)
  • Fourth Digit (000x) - Supplementary material to a sub-topic that is not important to know but may be interesting for some

Optional Quizzes

Each section of the course may have a linked / associated quiz with it. If you take and pass the quiz, you will be awarded points and a profile badge to showcase your gained knowledge and understanding of nudism.

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